As Dominican friars, we are called to preach the Gospel, whether in sermons, or by teaching, or in other forms of Christian ministry, as well as by the life we live together in community. You can attend our daily services at Blackfriars, some of which we broadcast on Radio Maria. There are no set times for confession, but there is often a priest available to talk with you during the day. People call to seek spiritual accompaniment, a deeper understanding of the Catholic faith, or preparation for the different sacraments. We are also to be found out and about in the city and more widely round the country.
Many of our community help out in local parishes, providing cover for local clergy during absences. We enjoy a close relationship with the local parishes. One of the priests, Fr Albert Robertson, is the Assistant Chaplain at Fisher House. During term time, Fr Robert Verrill and Fr Gregory Pearson, teach in the Dominican Studium in Oxford.