All are welcome to join the Dominican community for Mass and the Morning and Evening Hours of the Divine Office, which are celebrated publicly every day in the Priory Chapel, situated on the first floor of the priory.
Lauds | 7.45am |
Mass (said) | 8.15am |
Dominican Rite Mass (Latin) | 9.15am |
Conventual Mass (sung) | 11.00am |
Mass (said) | 6.00pm |
Vespers | 7.00pm |
Lauds | 7.00am |
Conventual Mass (sung) | 7.30am |
Rosary & Vespers | 6.15pm |
Lauds | 9.00am |
Conventual Mass (sung) | 9.30am |
Litany & Vespers | 6.15pm |
Holydays of Obligation
Same times as weekdays.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
The evening office of every 1st Friday of the month consists of Solemn Vespers, Adoration & Benediction.
Confession is always available at call, please ring the doorbell.