In a world of huge scientific progress but huge problems, Fr Bob Eccles OP finds hope in Jesus’ New Creation. “This is what I will do, I will pull down my barns and build bigger ones, and store all...
In a world of huge scientific progress but huge problems, Fr Bob Eccles OP finds hope in Jesus’ New Creation. “This is what I will do, I will pull down my barns and build bigger ones, and store all...
A novice meditates on the readings for the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C). The rich fool’s problem is not that he wished to enjoy his things too much, but that he would enjoy them too little. True...
A meditation by one of the novices on the readings for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C). It sounds so wonderful. Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be...
We offer both New and Old Rite Masses at Blackfriars, but we know there are ongoing tensions in the Church at large over the existence of two forms. Fr Dominic is organising a conference with the Centre for Ecclesial Ethics at...
In the second of their series on The Eight Evil Thoughts and the Healing of the Modern Mind, our Sisters speak on Gluttony. This Wednesday 13 April, 7.30 pm, at St. Catherine’s Convent, 155 Huntingdon Rd. A great way...
The Eight Evil Thoughts and the Healing of the Modern Mind. Are you wrestling with anger? Losing to lust? Come along and see how ancient Christian wisdom can provide help for healing. 2nd Wednesday of each month, 7.30-9 pm, Dominican Sisters,...
We are bringing Mass direct from Blackfriars chapel to your home with Radio Maria England at 9.30 am on Sundays, 7.30 am Monday to Friday, and 9.30 am Saturdays. But let’s acknowledge first that this shutdown of our churches...
During the pandemic, we are getting Mass and our other daily services direct to you from our chapel by LIVE BROADCAST on Radio Maria England. Simply click on the link. Towards the bottom right of the screen you’ll see...
In just a few days time, as the clock ticks towards midnight, Fr Bruno Clifton OP shall be standing on a line, in a park, in the Lake District, waiting to begin the 110km (68 mile) Ultimate Trails Ultramarathon....
This is the first in a series of Lent talks given by one of the community of Blackfriars Cambridge at Vespers on a Monday evening in Lent 2016. Our brother Timothy wrote a book called originally, Je vous appelle...