After the joyful celebration of Mass together last Sunday, Sr Mary Magdalene’s new talk on pleasure and joy seems particularly appropriate! Is joy simply an emotion? Or does it go deeper?
After the joyful celebration of Mass together last Sunday, Sr Mary Magdalene’s new talk on pleasure and joy seems particularly appropriate! Is joy simply an emotion? Or does it go deeper?
With social distancing, the way we communicate has had to change. Absence has often made the heart grow fonder. What would you really like to say to someone important in your life? Some years ago our friend Jean Harding...
St. Bernard encouraged those seeking God to find Him in the “Book of Nature”, and Jesus Himself told his disciples to consider the lilies of the field (Matthew 6:28). Through the retreat of lockdown, many of us have been...
On Saturdays we usually celebrate the Blessed Virigin Mary “on Saturday”, or rather, “on the Sabbath”. Fr Aidan considers how as Christians we are connected with the Sabbath of the Jewish people, our ancestors in faith, and how Our...
“Have you ever felt a strong desire for something pleasant? Is that OK?” Sr. Mary Magdalene, in her fourth talk on Aquinas on the Passions, looks at desire. Often we can feel caught between a society that says, “Do...
Fr Bob Eccles reflects on hungering and thirsting for Christ at such a different feast of the Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi). A picture can sometimes tell what words cannot. The Belgian artist Armand Demeulemeester (1926-2002) painted...
A meditation from a Catholic prisoner who joins us for Mass every day by Radio Maria. A few years ago he received the grace of deciding to deepen his prayer, and started praying regularly with three other prisoners. Now...
“Have you ever felt the passion of hatred rising up within you? What is that about? And what do you do with it?” Confinement, pressure and uncertainty, as we are experiencing at the moment, are serious stressors, and when...
Fr Dominic considers what the Feast of Pentecost offers for the healing of our bodies, minds and spirits at this time. This meditation is based on part of Fr Dominic’s new book, How Do I Look? Theology in the...
During this time of pandemic, many people, not just religious, have been talking a lot more about “saving”: saving lives, saving jobs… Being saved, or “Salvation” is a key Christian doctrine, but often we struggle to understand something so...