In 1999, a number of people connected with Blackfriars established a charity to support several schools in Ethiopia. Named after the late Dr Jean Grove, who had been a leading inspiration for the project, the Jean Grove Trust currently helps some four schools: the Blessed Ghebre Michael School run by the Daughters of Charity in Bahir Dar, on the shores of Lake Tana; a further two schools in the northern border region of Tigray, the St Peter and Paul school at Zalambessa run by the St Lucy Filippini Sisters, and a kindergarten at Dawhan; and a school at Zizencho, in the Guraghe region south-west of Addis Ababa.
These Catholic schools do not discriminate between pupils of different religions (most people in the country are Ethiopian Orthodox Christians, though there is a substantial Muslim minority), but are recognized for the high quality of the education they provide. At Blessed Michael school, the Trust has been paying for the schooling (including clothes, food, and books) of 30 of the poorest pupils, and subsidises some 115 further students. At Zalambesa, the Trust purchased 55 desks for the school, and 10 bicycles for children living in outlying regions. In Dawhan, the Trust has assisted the school with funds for equipment, teacher training, and teachers’ salaries.
Among our fundraising events is a popular Christmas Fair. You can contact the Jean Grove Trust by writing to The Treasurer, The Jean Grove Trust, Blackfriars, Buckingham Rd, Cambridge, CB3 0DD or by visiting their website.
Charity number: 1109593