- Unfortunately, the surgery carpark is not going to be available for your use this Sunday.
2. This Sunday after the 11am Mass, there will be a Corpus Christi procession in the garden, followed by a garden party. We hope you are able to join us and bring a picnic lunch to share.
3. The Holy Preaching will take place this Wednesday 14th June at 7.30pm at the convent, 155 Huntingdon Rd. This month’s talk will be ‘The Lion and the Lamb: the blessedness of meekness’. All are welcome.
4. The Question Box is back again! Do you have questions about the Catholic Faith and the Church? If so, you can put them anonymously in the black question box on the table downstairs, using the slip provided. We’ll have answers and discussion on Sunday 25th June at 10 am, after the 9.15 Mass, finishing in time for the 11 am Mass.