Edmund Zengeni will be Admitted to the Lay Fraternity of the Order of Preachers (Lay Dominicans) during the 11.00 Mass at Blackfriars this Sunday 4th June, Trinity Sunday. The Mass Celebrant will be Father Colin Carr OP, Religious Assistant and chaplain to the Cambridge Fraternity. Information about the Lay Dominicans can be found on their website.
For your summer reading, also this Sunday, there will be a book sale in the cloister. All proceeds will go to the renovation of the Rose Garden. Donations are gratefully received. For further information, contact Helen Ross: helenhordernkingATyahoo.co.uk
Next Sunday 11th June, we celebrate Corpus Christi. There will be a Corpus Christi procession in the garden after the 11am Mass followed by a garden party. Please bring and share a picnic lunch. Please also pray for good weather!
Include the Dominicans in your will! And benefit from a free will-writing service. Details here: Making a gift in your Will to the Dominicans – The Dominican Friars in Britain (op.org)