The Jean Grove Fayre, Sunday 4th December
Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to help out at the annual Jean Grove fayre which will take place here at Blackfriars on Sunday 4 December in the morning. We now have enough volunteers to staff the various stalls but would still welcome donations of baked goods such as cakes and minced pies, as well as bottled items such as jams, jellies, and chutneys. These can be donated on the day itself. All the money raised will go towards supporting education in Ethiopia through direct links with specific schools.

The Gaudete Sunday Party, Sunday 11 December
On Sunday 11th December you are all warmly invited to our annual Gaudete Sunday party, an evening of mulled wine, mince pies, and fireworks. The evening begins with vespers at 7pm and will conclude withCompline at around 9pm. This is an opportunity for the Dominican community here in Cambridge to say thank you to all those who support us in so many different ways and help to make our mission here in this city so happy and fruitful.
Advent Women’s Day of Recollection, Saturday 10th December
The Dominican Sisters will be holding an Advent Women’s Day of Recollection on Saturday 10th December, starting at 10am and ending with Vespers at 4pm, at the convent, 155 Huntingdon Road. Please contact Sr Angela at angelaleydonATbtinternet.com to register your interest.