The Annual Jean Grove fayre (we need your help!), Vocations Hotspot webinar with the Sisters, Fr Euan’s final talk on the Creed – and Fr Nicholas, our new prior.
The annual Jean Grove fayre will take place here at Blackfriars on Sunday 4th December. All the money raised will go towards supporting the Jean Grove Trust, a charity which supports education in Ethiopia through direct links with specific schools. We are still looking for volunteers to help out on the day, if you would like to volunteer then you can find a sign-up sheet by the Jean Grove Christmas cards and tea towels in the cloister.
The Dominican Sisters will be hosting a Vocations Hotspot webinar on Sunday 27th November at 4pm for women 18-45 interested in religious life. Please contact Sr Rose at rose.rollingopAToutlook.com to register your interest.
Fr. Euan Marley’s final talk on the Creed will take place here at Blackfriars on Wednesday at 7.30pm.
Fr Euan’s term of office as Prior here at Blackfriars came to an end last weekend. The brethren would like to express our thanks to Fr. Euan for all his hard work and generosity during this time. The new Prior is Fr. Nicholas Crowe. Please pray for him as he begins this work of service.