Sr Mary Magdalene’s talks on Aquinas on the Passions on our Meditations in Time of Retreat page have been very popular. On Saturday 18 July she’s hosting a Zoom conference on St. Thomas Aquinas on Christ, with some great Dominican speakers. And it’s FREE, donations only!
“Aquinas on Christ” Zoom Conference, 18 July 2020
A conference on St. Thomas Aquinas’ teaching on Christ will be held via Zoom on Saturday, July 18, 2020, from 10:20 am – 5 pm.
The conference is absolutely free. Donations are appreciated, but not required.
Sr. Mary Magdalene Eitenmiller, O.P., will be speaking on the mystery of the Incarnation.
Fr. Simon Francis Gaine, O.P., who teaches theology at Blackfriars, Oxford, will be speaking on Christ’s beatific vision.
Fr. John Emery, O.P., of Buenos Aires, Argentina will be speaking on the charity of Christ in his passion.
Sr. Valery Walker, O.P., will also lead a discussion on articles of the Summa theologiae, St. Thomas’ most famous work.
Please reserve a “place” with Sr. Magdalene at MercifulLove1ATgmail.com, to receive a Zoom invitation.
Zoom limits the number of participants to 100, so RSVP today!