We are very much looking forward to welcoming you back to Mass this Sunday. We’re sensing joy and excitement, and also a very understandable touch of anxiety. So we’d like to reassure you that we’re following the guidance from the Bishops’ Conference to keep Blackfriars a safe and healthy place. That will of course take a bit of getting used to, but we’ve noticed how instinctively careful and considerate people are being on visits for private prayer, so we’re confident it will go very well. The Sunday obligation has not been restored, so if you’re unable to come back yet, don’t worry. But otherwise, we warmly encourage you to come back on Sunday, so that we can receive and be the Body of Christ together at last.
We are restoring ALL our usual Mass times – the 8.15 in the Upper Chapel, and the other Masses in our spacious garden. Please take a moment to read the information below, which explains the safety measures we’re taking, and how the celebrations of Mass are taking place.
The UK Government has made “track and trace” optional for places of worship. Track and trace means that people register that they have attended an event/venue at a certain time, so that in the event of their contracting Covid-19, the other persons there can be informed that they are at risk of having being infected. An index card will be left on your seat, which you may if you wish fill in with your name, phone number, and the date and time of Mass attended. Blackfriars will keep this information securely for 21 days, after which time it will be destroyed. It would help us if you could bring your own pen, please!
The Upper Chapel and toilets are professionally cleaned once per week, and the Upper Chapel will be cleaned after public liturgies. The toilets will be available as usual – please just follow the notices in the toilets as regards hygiene.
We are not permitted to put out missals/leaflets. Please bring your own missal or follow Mass on your electronic device.
For the garden Masses, we also recommend, given the unpredictability of British weather, that you bring a sun-hat and an umbrella!
Our Masses:
8.15 am Low Mass: Upper Chapel. This Mass will be broadcast on Radio Maria, together with Morning Prayer at 7.45, so that we continue to serve our new global congregation. You may choose to wear face coverings to offer protection to others. Holy Communion will be given in the hand only. Also, we ask that as the chapel is small, then if this is not your “regular” Mass, please attend the 9.15, 11 or 6.
9.15 am Mass in the Extraordinary Form (Dominican Rite): in the garden. Chairs will be provided. In accordance with the rubrics of the 1962 Missal, Holy Communion cannot be given in the hand during the Mass. Holy Communion will be distributed after Mass but must be received in the hand. We look forward to greeting each other, but are asked not to “gather”, so for now we cannot have coffee after Mass.
11 am Mass: in the garden. Chairs will be provided. We regret that owing to Covid restrictions there will be currently be no singing. Holy Communion will be given in the hand only. We look forward to greeting each other, but are asked not to “gather”, so for now we cannot have coffee after Mass.
6 pm Mass: in the garden. Chairs will be provided. Holy Communion will be given in the hand only.
Weekday Masses: 7.30 am in the Upper Chapel, also broadcast on Radio Maria.
Morning and Evening Prayer will continue in private for now (Sunday Morning Prayer at 7.45 am), but still be broadcast on Radio Maria England.
We are of course available for Confession.
And thank you as always for your prayers and generous support. See you soon!