Dear Friends and Benefactors, So how did you feel this year? Normally that would be a question I couldn’t answer for myself, but this year I think we all have a good idea about how we felt. Anxious, lonely,...
Dear Friends and Benefactors, So how did you feel this year? Normally that would be a question I couldn’t answer for myself, but this year I think we all have a good idea about how we felt. Anxious, lonely,...
In our fourth meditation for Advent, Fr Euan reflects on the genealogy of Jesus according to St. Matthew, a difficult and strange reading for us, but one which is revealed as a story about our spiritual birth in baptism....
What is prayer for? During Advent, we try to deepen our prayer. Is this possible in such a difficult time? Our friend Jean Harding shows us that a deepened prayer is possible in precisely the most difficult times, and...
Christmas Eve, Friday 24th December 7 am Lauds (Morning Prayer) (also broadcast on Radio Maria England) 7.30 am Mass of Christmas Eve (also broadcast on Radio Maria England) 5 pm Vigil Mass of Christmas 6.30 pm...
We wait for the Lord to come, and yet one of the main places where we experience His coming to us – church – is currently interrupted, restricted or shut down. How to find him? Our Fr Bob Eccles...
A very timely meditation on Catholicism and Black Lives Matter from our friend Eddie Zengeni, a Black man and a Roman Catholic. He presents us with some hard truths about the reality of anti-Black racism. He also shows that,...
MASS IS AT 9.30 am, broadcast on Radio Maria England. Mass Setting: Mass XVII Advent & Lent Opening Hymn 1 Lo! he comes with clouds descending, once for favoured sinners slain; thousand, thousand saints attending swell the triumph of...
We are OPEN for public Mass. Welcome back! Please scroll down for Mass times. First, some important information on how we’re doing this to keep everyone safe and well: Cambridge is in Tier 2, which means that we can...
MASS IS AT 9.30 am, broadcast on Radio Maria England. Kyrie & Gloria: Missa de Angelis (click here) Opening Hymn 1 Crown him with many crowns, the Lamb upon his throne. Hark! how the heavenly anthem drowns all...
Entrance Hymn 1 O Jesus, I have promised to serve thee to the end; be thou forever near me, my Master and my Friend; I shall not fear the battle if thou art by my side, nor wander from...