The Easter Triduum. Priory of St Michael
Holy Thursday
7.30am Office of Readings and Lauds
6pm Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper
7.30pm to Midnight Watch at the Altar of repose
Good Friday
8am Tenebrae
3pm Celebration of Our Lord’s Passion
Holy Saturday
8am Tenebrae
6.30pm Vespers
9pm Easter Vigil and Mass
Easter Day
8.15am Mass
9.15am Missa Cantata
11am Conventual Sung Mass
6pm Solemn Vespers (NB No evening Mass)
Easter Monday
9am Lauds
9.30am Mass
The two photos that accompany this post are of the Rock of Calvary, Jerusalem. ‘And carrying the cross by himself, he went out to what is called The Place of the Skull, which in Hebrew is called Golgotha.’ John 19:17