A Life Centred on the Eucharist
A familiar site at Blackfriars as the Novices serve the Conventual Mass: The Dominican life is centred on Prayer nourished by the daily mass. Please keep the Novices in your Prayers
A familiar site at Blackfriars as the Novices serve the Conventual Mass: The Dominican life is centred on Prayer nourished by the daily mass. Please keep the Novices in your Prayers
The novices were very blest to join Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster and Fr. Martin Ganeri OP, Prior Provincial of the English Province at the Solemn Mass to celebrate the inauguration of the Shrine of Our Lady of the...
This week marks a milestone in the Noviciate as the Brothers begin studies. They will be taking classes in: >Latin >Singing >The Scriptures and Salvation History >Rule & Constitutions >Liturgical & Spiritual Praxis >History & Theology of Religious Life...
The Novices were very privileged to attend the final profession of Sr Mary Catherine O.P in St. John’s Cathedral Portsmouth. Sr Mary Catherine, who hails from the USA, is a member of Dominican Sisters of St Joseph, in the...
Last Wednesday the novices visited Fisher House, the Catholic Chaplaincy to the University of Cambridge. They were greeted by Mgr Mark Langham, the chaplain, who offered them many insights into both the current work which Fisher House does and...