Fr Aidan recently spent a fortnight visiting schools in Ethiopia supported by the Jean Grove Trust Blackfriars Ethiopia Project, as well as meeting with church leaders. At the border town of Zalambessa he and fellow Trust members met with Sr Nigisti Gebray, the Principal, Leterbrhan Hadish, the Administrator, and with the St Lucy Filippini Sisters at the Ss Peter and Paul School which takes 420 children from kindergarten through to Grade 8. Students often faint from hunger in the mornings, but the sisters can only afford to feed the children up to Grade 3. An hour away from Zalembessa was the kindergarten at Dawhan, serving 140 children, but with only 39 child-sized chairs, one toilet, and no drinking water on tap. Elsewhere, Keralan Sisters run two schools at Zizencho serving some six hundred children. Each child gets a midday meal as well as lessons. You can see some more photos from the trip on the Cambridge Dominicans Facebook page; you can find out more about the trust elsewhere on our website, or by going to www.jeangrovetrust.org.uk.