A day on the road
Brs Stefan and Richard spent Monday as guests of the London Leg of Student Cross. We walked with the twenty or so pilgrims from Royston into Cambridge via Fowlmere and the Queen’s Head at Newton. Sustained by several parish...
Brs Stefan and Richard spent Monday as guests of the London Leg of Student Cross. We walked with the twenty or so pilgrims from Royston into Cambridge via Fowlmere and the Queen’s Head at Newton. Sustained by several parish...
Maundy Thursday 7.30am – Office of Readings and Lauds 6pm – Mass of the Lord’s Supper 8.30pm – Compline with vigil at the Altar of Repose until 11pm. Good Friday 8.30am – Tenebrae 3pm – Celebration of the Lord’s...
Fr Aidan gave a Lenten talk recently at Westminster on ‘How to Write Theology’ which was broadcast to a large audience and is being made available online: You can also find talks by: Richard Ounsworth OP (‘Jesus’) ...
Fr Aidan recently spent a fortnight visiting schools in Ethiopia supported by the Jean Grove Trust Blackfriars Ethiopia Project, as well as meeting with church leaders. At the border town of Zalambessa he and fellow Trust members met with...
Work starts in late summer 2015 on a large external lift giving wheelchair users and others access to the 1st-floor chapel from both inside and outside the Priory. At the same time, we shall be converting the downstairs toilet...
Fr Aidan has recently published a new book – There is no Rose: The Mariology of the Catholic Church. Drawing on the Scriptures, Church Fathers, the liturgy, and other dimensions of the tradition, the book summarizes the theological development...
The Poor Clares at Arkley, near Barnet, hosted an enjoyable and thought-provoking study day yesterday on the liturgies of the Easter Triduum. Brs Richard and Stefan, together with a visiting Dutch seminarian, travelled down from Cambridge to hear excellent...