Sharper than a two-edged sword
‘The Word of God,’ states the Letter to the Hebrews, is ‘alive and active. Sharper than a two-edged sword…’ But how do we open heart and mind to God’s Word, so that He can work with us and within...
‘The Word of God,’ states the Letter to the Hebrews, is ‘alive and active. Sharper than a two-edged sword…’ But how do we open heart and mind to God’s Word, so that He can work with us and within...
There are two changes to our normal liturgies during Lent: 1. On the first five Mondays of Lent, Vespers will include a short reflection offered by a Dominican friar or sister. 2. On Fridays, Vespers will begin at 6.15pm...
A big thank you to Bishop Alan for hosting the day for Religious at the cathedral in Norwich. Mass was followed by a cracking lunch in the Narthex. From there we visited the medieval Blackfriars, the medieval (now Anglican)...
Br Stefan got to meet Archbishop Malcolm McMahon OP at Rosary priory in Bushey yesterday when Archbishop Malcolm spoke on the topic of consecrated life as a vital part of the Church’s outward facing mission.