Two brothers, Joseph Bailham and Christopher Pierce (shown here with their former Novice Master), made their simple profession in the English Province this Sunday, on the Feast of the Holy Cross, at Blackfriars, Cambridge. In his homily the Provincial, Fr John Farrell OP, spoke of Christ’s ‘solemn profession’ at the Last Supper, of the profession made by all the baptized, and of how this has now led Joseph and Christopher to commit themselves for the next three years to poverty, chastity, and obedience as preaching friars. They move next to Blackfriars, Oxford, where they will initially study philosophy before embarking on their further theological studies. Joseph is an alumnus in Theology of St Mary’s University, Twickenham, and of Blackfriars Hall, Oxford. Christopher is a former seminarian of the Nottingham diocese at Allen Hall.