At the end of term the noviciate made its way down to Arundel to join the local community
for its famous Corpus Christi Procession. Joined by the novices from the Stone sisters, we
arrived in time for the first of many delicious meals, very generously hosted by the Rev. and Mrs
We had plenty of time to explore the town and get to know some its rich history – the highlight of
course being the medieval Dominican priory by the river. The Cathedral looked particularly
resplendent with its beautiful floral decorations, especially the carpet of flowers down the nave
ready for the procession. That evening we sung Vespers in the Fitzalan Chapel, adjoined to the
castle grounds and the burial place of the Dukes of Norfolk. It’s a very rare instance of a Catholic
chapel and an Anglican church joined together under one roof, separated only by a gate in one
The next day the Corpus Christi celebrations began, with Bishop Richard Moth celebrating Mass
in a packed Cathedral. The Blessed Sacrament procession directly followed, complete with choir,
banners, Knights and Dames of various military orders, and the novices trying not to go the wrong
way holding the Processional Cross at the very front. We made our way to the Castle and back,
the rain just about holding off, and the liturgy finished with Benediction.
On the last morning we joined the Poor Clares for morning prayer and Mass, in their convent just
on the outskirts of the town, before making our way back to Cambridge.