Work starts in late summer 2015 on a large external lift giving wheelchair users and others access to the 1st-floor chapel from both inside and outside the Priory. At the same time, we shall be converting the downstairs toilet into a unisex disabled toilet.
This is the first stage in a bigger renewal programme designed to widen access and improve facilities for people who wish to worship at Blackfriars and hear Dominican preaching. In stage 2 we hope to:
Renew and increase chapel seating
Install a recording system allowing services to be streamed on-line
Install a sound system with loop for the hearing-impaired also allowing services to be heard in the cloister
Can you help?
Stage 1 will cost ca. £150,000. We are looking for pledges of financial support or donations.
You can also donate on-line:
For more information or to make your pledge, please contact Fr Benedict:cambridge.bursar@english.op.org.